Undergraduate Catalog

Undergraduate Admissions – Types

For students applying from inside the UAE, there are two types of admission to Khalifa University. Full admission to the First Year and Conditional admission to the Foundation Year.

Full Admission

In addition to the minimum admission criteria listed above (EmSAT and CGPA), to be considered for full- admission, applicants must also satisfy the following:

English language proficiency requirements which may take one of the following forms:

  • A TOEFL minimum 79 on the Internet Based Test (iBT), or
  • An academic IELTS minimum score of 6.0 (out of 9), or
  • An EmSAT English minimum score of 1400
  • Note: TOEFL and IELTS scores are valid for two calendar years only and should be taken from an approved Institution. (TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language | IELTS - International English Language Testing System)

Applicants must also pass the entrance interview.

Conditional Admission

Applicants who do not meet the requirements for full admission as per above listed requirements, and who have been judged to have the potential to reach these standards, may be offered a conditional admission and required to complete a Foundation Year (Preparatory Program) within a maximum of 12 months.

In addition to the minimum admission criteria, to be considered for conditional admission, applicants must satisfy the following English language proficiency which may take one of the following forms:

  • A TOEFL minimum score of 70 on the Internet Based Test (iBT), or
  • An academic IELTS minimum score of 5.5 (out of 9), or
  • An EmSAT English minimum score of 1250

Applicants must also pass the entrance interview.

The Preparatory Program is an intensive, full-time program of developmental study in academic and technical English, Mathematics, Physics and Computer Technology required for success in a Khalifa University degree program. Students who successfully complete the program are offered full admission into the degree programs.

Students who are not able to achieve the standard for successful completion of the Preparatory Program within 12 months will have their conditional admission withdrawn, and they will be asked to leave the University.