Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Probation

A student whose CGPA falls below 2.00 is placed on Academic Probation for the next regular semester and a note is made on the student’s transcript. The following provisions apply for a student on Academic Probation:

  • A full-time student on probation is only allowed to register for a maximum of 13 credit hours per regular semester
  • While on probation, a student may not take any course on a Pass/Fail basis
  • A student who is placed on probation may be required to enroll in developmental courses or workshops

If, at the end of the semester, the student has attained a CGPA of 2.00 or above, he/she shall return to good standing.

If, at the end of the semester, the student’s CGPA remains below 2.0, he/she will remain on probation for the following regular semester.