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Graduate Catalog 2022-2023
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College of Science
College of Engineering
College of Medicine and Health Sciences
AERO - Aerospace Engineering
BMED - Biomedical Engineering
CHEG - Chemical Engineering
CHEM - Chemistry
CIVE - Civil Engineering
CODS - Computational Data Science
COMM - Communication
COSC - Computer Science
CSEC - Cyber security
ENGR - Engineering
ERTH - Earth Sciences
MATH - Mathematics
MEEN - Mechanical Engineering
MEPH - Medical Physics
NUCE - Nuclear Engineering
PEEG - Petroleum Engineering
PHYS - Physics
SCIE - PhD in Science
TEST - Test
THS - Thesis
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AERO 611
Combustion Theory and Applications
AERO 620
Advanced Aerodynamics
AERO 621
Boundary Layer Analysis
AERO 622
Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity
AERO 623
Experimental Methods in Aerodynamics
AERO 630
Aerospace Materials and Structures
AERO 631
Mechanics of Composite Materials
AERO 632
Advanced Composite Materials Manufacturing
AERO 640
Advanced Flight Dynamics and Control
AERO 650
Space Systems Engineering
AERO 651
Space Systems Design Project I
AERO 652
Space Systems Design Project II
AERO 653
Space Propulsion
AERO 654
Astrodynamics and Mission Analysis
AERO 660
Aerospace Navigation and Guidance Systems
AERO 694
Selected Topics in Aerospace Engineering
AERO 699
Master's thesis
AERO 701
Nonlinear Structural Dynamics
AERO 702
Advanced Composite Materials and Structures
AERO 703
Numerical Methods in Aerofluids
AERO 711
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue
AERO 712
Damage Mechanics of Solids and Structures
AERO 723
Advanced Combustion
AERO 761
Advanced Process Dynamics and Control
AERO 764
Optimal Control
AERO 765
Advanced Orbit Design for Planetary Missions
AERO 794
Selected Topics in Aerospace Engineering
BMED 600
Physiological Systems
BMED 601
Experimental Biochemistry
BMED 602
Innovation and Creativity in Technology Organizations
BMED 603
Multivariate Statistics and Data Analysis
BMED 611
Clinical Pathology
BMED 612
Molecular Genetics & Genome Technologies
BMED 620
Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience
BMED 621
Applied Neuroscience and Engineering
BMED 630
Deep Learning for Biomedical and Health Informatics
BMED 631
Advanced Biosignal Processing
BMED 632
Physiological Control Systems
BMED 633
Advanced Rehabilitation Engineering
BMED 634
Algorithms in Bioinformatics
BMED 635
Healthcare Information Systems
BMED 640
Biomaterials for Drug Delivery
BMED 694
Selected Topics in Biomedical Engineering
BMED 699
Master's Thesis
BMED 711
Biomolecular and Cellular Engineering
BMED 712
Rehabilitation and Augmentation of Human Movement
BMED 713
Advanced Physiological Systems
BMED 716
Medical Device Innovation
BMED 720
Biophysical Engineering of Cellular Systems
BMED 725
Computational Systems Biology of Cancer
BMED 794
Selected Topics in Biomedical Engineering
CHEG 604
CHEG 606
Wastewater Treatment Engineering
CHEG 610
Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering
CHEG 611
Polymer Reaction Engineering
CHEG 620
Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering
CHEG 621
Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering
CHEG 622
Process Simulation and Optimization
CHEG 623
Systems Engineering
CHEG 630
Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
CHEG 631
Statistical Thermodynamics
CHEG 640
Transport Phenomena
CHEG 641
Multiphase Flow
CHEG 642
Separation Processes
CHEG 643
Colloids and Interfacial Science
CHEG 644
Consequence analysis of chemical releases
CHEG 651
Combustion and Air Pollution Control
CHEG 652
Advanced Process Control
CHEG 653
Sustainable Energy Conversion Processes
CHEG 654
Chemical Process Safety
CHEG 655
Air Quality Management
CHEG 656
Experimental Design
CHEG 657
Materials Engineering and Corrosion
CHEG 658
Polymer Properties and Processing
CHEG 659
Engineering Design for Process Safty
CHEG 660
Food Engineering and Science
CHEG 661
Food Preservation and Packaging
CHEG 662
Food Safety and Legislation
CHEG 663
Food Systems Engineering
CHEG 664
Enzymes in Food Engineering
CHEG 665
Farming Technologies for Arid Climate
CHEG 670
Advanced Extractive Metallurgy
CHEG 671
Advanced Physical Metallurgy
CHEG 672
Materials Characterization
CHEG 673
Phase Transformations in Metals
CHEG 694
Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering
CHEG 699
Master's Thesis
CHEG 700
Sustainable Desalination Processes
CHEG 702
Energy Nano Transport Phenomen
CHEG 703
Applied nanotechnology
CHEG 705
Membrane Technology
CHEG 708
Phase Equilibria
CHEG 710
Kinetics and Mechanisms
CHEG 712
Physical and Chemical Treatment of Waters
CHEG 715
Biological Wastewater Treatment
CHEG 720
Modelling and Engineering of Microbial Environmental Bioprocesses
CHEG 730
Experimental Techniques and Instrumentation
CHEG 735
Electrochemical Engineering
CHEG 745
Multicomponent Mass Transfer
CHEG 750
Molecular Thermodynamics
CHEG 760
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics
CHEG 765
Computational Fluid Dynamics for Chemical Engineers
CHEG 770
Heterogeneous Catalysis
CHEG 790
Dynamic Behavior of Process Systems
CHEG 794
Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering
CHEM 620
Computational Chemistry
CHEM 623
Applied Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 625
Applied Organic Chemistry & Instrumental Analysis
CHEM 630
Advanced Industrial Catalysis
CHEM 640
Advanced Organometallics & Applications
CHEM 650
Spectrochemical Studies
CHEM 655
Petroleum Production & Process Chemistry
CHEM 660
Environmental Science & Water Technology
CHEM 665
Fuels & Alternative Energy Sources
CHEM 666
Construction Chemicals & Green Chemicals
CHEM 668
Corrosion Science & Advanced Physical Chemistry
CHEM 670
Polymers & Nanomaterials Chemistry
CHEM 695
Graduate Seminar I
CHEM 696
Graduate Seminar II
CHEM 699
Master of Science Thesis
CHEM 701
Methods and Techniques in Chemical research
CHEM 711
Recent Developments in Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 712
Recent Developments in Organic Chemistry
CHEM 713
Recent Advances in Physical Chemistry
CHEM 714
Recent Developments in Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 715
Recent Developments in Nanochemistry
CHEM 716
Recent Developments in Environmental Chemistry
CHEM 717
Advanced topics in Biochemistry
CHEM 799
Entrepreneurship in Chemistry-Science
CIVE 630
Tensors Algebra & Applications
CIVE 631
Dynamic Response of Civil Engineering Constructions
CIVE 632
Highrise Building Design
CIVE 634
Design of Civil Engineering Structures for Fire Protection
CIVE 635
Railway Geotechnics
CIVE 636
Wind Effects on Structures
CIVE 637
Pavement Monitoring & Rehabilitation
CIVE 638
Transportation Systems
CIVE 640
Soil Structure Interaction
CIVE 641
Coastal Engineering
CIVE 650
Construction Cost Estimating
CIVE 651
Sustainable Building Construction
CIVE 652
Construction Safety
CIVE 694
Selected Topics in Civil & Infrastructural Engineering
CIVE 699
Master's Thesis
CIVE 703
Groundwater Hydrology
CIVE 707
Environmental Remote Sensing and Satellite Image Processing
CIVE 712
Remediation Engineering
CIVE 714
Sustainable Desalination Processes
CIVE 717
Membrane Technology
CIVE 718
Advanced Topics in Applied Environmental Chemistry
CIVE 719
Climate Dynamics
CIVE 720
Nanotechnology in Water Purification
CIVE 721
Aquatic Chemistry
CIVE 722
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
CIVE 730
Public Transit Operations and Planning
CIVE 750
Non-Linear Mechanics of Construction Materials
CIVE 751
Non-Linear FE Analysis of Civil Engineering Structures
CIVE 755
Geotechnical Natural Hazards Mitigation
CIVE 756
Chemo-mechanical Modelling & Design of Flexible Pavements
CIVE 757
Dynamic Loading and Design of Bridges
CIVE 760
Construction Procurement Management
CIVE 761
Productivity Improvement in Construction
CIVE 762
Advanced Building Information Modeling
CIVE 794
Selected Topics in Civil Infrastructural and Environmental Engineering
CMHS 600
CMHS Faculty Orientation
CODS 608
Distributed Sys and Could Comp
CODS 610
Model Estimation
CODS 612
Computational Methods and Optimization in Finance
CODS 620
Advanced Statistical Inference
CODS 622
Data Science with Machine Learning
CODS 623
Health Data Science
CODS 624
Space-Time Data Science
CODS 636
Introduction to High Performance Computing
CODS 641
Natural Language Proc. & Info. Retrieval
CODS 697
CODS Graduate Project
CODS 699
Master's Thesis
COMM 601
Technical and Scientific Writing
COSC 601
Data Mining: Finding the Data and Models that Create Value
COSC 602
Software Engineering
COSC 603
Multi-agent Systems
COSC 604
Artificial Intelligence
COSC 605
Strategic Requirements Engineering
COSC 606
Machine Learning
COSC 607
Algorithm Design Techniques
COSC 608
Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing
COSC 620
Algorithms in Bioinformatics
COSC 621
Data Science
COSC 625
Sustainable Energy
COSC 631
Blockchain Fundamentals and Applications
COSC 632
Advanced Operating Systems
COSC 635
Deep Learning System Design
COSC 636
Human Computer Interaction
COSC 637
Parallel Programming
COSC 638
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Cyber-Security
COSC 694
Selected Topics in Computer Science
COSC 699
Master's Thesis
COSC 704
Techniques in Artificial Intelligence
COSC 705
Strategic Requirements Engineering
CSEC 601
Cyber Physical Systems Security
CSEC 602
Modern Cryptography
CSEC 603
Secure Software Systems Engineering
CSEC 604
Cyber-security Threats and Mitigation
CSEC 615
Cloud and Mobile Digital Forensics
CSEC 618
Wireless Network and Mobile Security
CSEC 620
Social Engineering and Human Hacking
CSEC 621
Hardware and System Architecture Security
CSEC 622
Penetration Testing
CSEC 638
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Cyber Security
CSEC 640
Financial Cyber Security
CSEC 694
Selected Topics in Cyber Security
CSEC 699
Master's Thesis
ECCE 610
Digital Signal Processing
ECCE 611
Advanced Digital Signal Processing
ECCE 612
Embedded Digital Signal and Image Processing
ECCE 620
Real-Time Embedded Systems
ECCE 621
Digital ASIC Design
ECCE 622
RF and Mixed-Signal Circuits Design
ECCE 623
Digital Systems Design with FPGA
ECCE 625
Digital Integrated Circuits Design
ECCE 628
Computer Architecture
ECCE 629
Hardware Accelerators for Artificial Intelligence
ECCE 630
Advanced Computer Networks
ECCE 631
Blockchain Fundamentals & Applications
ECCE 632
Advanced Operating Systems
ECCE 633
Machine Vision and Image Understanding
ECCE 635
Deep Learning System Design
ECCE 636
Human Computer Interaction
ECCE 637
Parallel Programming
ECCE 640
Communication Systems Design
ECCE 641
Wireless Communications Systems
ECCE 642
Broadband Communication Networks
ECCE 643
Radar Systems
ECCE 644
Radio Frequency Measurements
ECCE 645
Stochastic Processes, Detection, and Estimation
ECCE 650
Linear Systems
ECCE 651
Modern Control Engineering
ECCE 653
Advanced Digital Control Systems
ECCE 654
Adaptive Control
ECCE 655
Artificial Intelligence for Control Engineering
ECCE 656
Nonlinear Systems
ECCE 657
Sensors Systems
ECCE 658
Autonomous Robotic Systems
ECCE 659
Modeling and Control of Robotic Systems
ECCE 660
Power System Analysis
ECCE 661
Power Electronics
ECCE 662
Electric Drives
ECCE 663
Distribution Systems Design and Operation
ECCE 664
Distributed Generation
ECCE 665
Electric Power Quality
ECCE 666
Power System Protection
ECCE 667
High Voltage Engineering
ECCE 668
Advanced Electric Machines
ECCE 669
Power System Operation
ECCE 670
Micro/Nano Processing Technologies
ECCE 671
Fabrication of Nano Devices
ECCE 672
Principles and Models of Semiconductor Devices
ECCE 673
Secure Embedded System Design
ECCE 680
Fundamentals of Photonics
ECCE 681
Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices
ECCE 694
Selected Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECCE 699
Master's Thesis
ECCE 701
Power System Modelling and Control
ECCE 703
Embedded Generation Operation and Control
ECCE 706
Power Quality and FACTS Devices
ECCE 710
Analysis of Power Systems Over-voltages and Transients
ECCE 711
Advanced Power System Grounding and Safety
ECCE 714
Application of Heuristic Optimization Techniques to Power Systems
ECCE 721
Analog Mixed Signal Design Techniques
ECCE 722
Numerical Simulation of Circuits and Systems
ECCE 723
High Speed Communication Circuits
ECCE 730
Advanced Deep Learning
ECCE 731
Distributed Computing
ECCE 732
Machine Learning and Applicatications
ECCE 733
High Speed Computer Arithmetic
ECCE 734
Advanced Computer Architecture
ECCE 735
Advanced Computer Vision Paradigms
ECCE 736
Advanced Topics LoT and Blockchain
ECCE 737
Network and Information Security
ECCE 738
High Performance Computing
ECCE 741
Advanced Digital Communications
ECCE 742
Advanced Concepts in Stochastic Processes, Detection, and Estimation Theory
ECCE 743
Broadband Communication Systems
ECCE 744
Optical Wireless Communication System
ECCE 751
Discontinuous Control Systems
ECCE 752
Nonlinear Control
ECCE 753
Computational Prototyping of Dynamical Systems
ECCE 754
Computational Prototyping of Partial Differential Equations
ECCE 755
Cognitive Robotics
ECCE 756
Robotic Perception
ECCE 757
Control of Robotic Systems
ECCE 762
Voltage Source Converters
ECCE 771
Advanced Integrated Circuits Technology
ECCE 772
Advanced Microsystem Design
ECCE 773
Photonic Materials and Metamaterials Design for Engineers
ECCE 774
Advanced Photonic Integrated Circuits
ECCE 778
Physics and Manufacturability of Advanced Micro and Nano Devices
ECCE 781
The Physics of Solar Cells
ECCE 794
Selected Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
ENGR 602
Engineering Numerical Methods
ENGR 603
Multivariate Data Analysis
ENGR 605
Systems Optimization
ENGR 606
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
ENGR 610
Risk, Reliability and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems
ENGR 695
Seminar in Research Methods
ENGR 701
Research Methods in Engineering
ENGR 703
PhD Research Seminar I
ENGR 704
PhD Research Seminar II
ENGR 795
PhD Written Qualifing Examination
ENGR 796
PhD Research Proposal Examination
ENGR 799
PhD Research Dissertation
ERTH 701
Petroleum Systems
ERTH 702
Laboratory Techniques in Sedimentology and Geochemistry
ERTH 703
Laboratory and Field Techniques in Geophysics
ERTH 711
Carbonate Petrology and Stratigraphy
ERTH 712
Field Geology of Petroleum Systems
ERTH 713
Rock Physics
ERTH 714
Seismic Interpretation in Petroleum Exploration and Production
ERTH 715
Seismic Modelling and Imaging
ERTH 717
Applied Micropaleontology
ERTH 718
Biogeochemical Cycles
ERTH 719
Deformation and Structures of Sedimentary Rocks
ERTH 720
Organic Geochemistry
ERTH 721
Sedimentary Basins Analysis
ERTH 722
Shared Earth Models
ERTH 723
Isotope Geochemistry of Sedimentary Systems
ERTH 724
Clastic Sedimentology and Depositional Systems
ERTH 793
Special Topics in Earth Science
ESMA 601
System Architecture
ESMA 602
Product Design and Development
ESMA 603
Systems Optimization
ESMA 604
System Dynamics for Business Policy
ESMA 605
System Project Management
ESMA 607
Management and Entrepreneurship for Engineers
ESMA 608
Environmental Policy and Economics
ESMA 610
Business Analytics, Statistics for Engineering Systems
ESMA 617
Innovation and Creativity in Technology Organizations
ESMA 618
Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation
ESMA 619
Advanced Quality Management System
ESMA 621
Production, Operations and Inventory Management
ESMA 623
Advanced Lean Manufacturing
ESMA 633
System Simulation: Modelling and Analysis
ESMA 641
Supply Chain, Logistics and Transportation Networks
ESMA 642
Global Supply Chain Management
ESMA 643
Warehousing and Distribution
ESMA 650
Cost Engineering
ESMA 671
Healthcare Operations Management
ESMA 672
Lean Service Systems
ESMA 673
Healthcare Information Systems
ESMA 694
Selected Topics in Systems and Engineering Management
ESMA 699
Master Thesis
ESMA 701
Advanced Systems Optimization
ESMA 710
Times Series Analysis Modeling and Prediction
ESMA 711
Advanced Business Analytics
ESMA 720
Advanced Production and Operations Management
ESMA 721
Stochastic Processes and Applications
ESMA 722
Technology strategy
ESMA 730
Complex Network Analysis
ESMA 740
Sustainable Development: Theory & Policy
ESMA 741
Advanced Modeling for Energy Planning
ESMA 742
Energy Economics, Finance and Policy
ESMA 743
Engineering for Energy and Poverty Solutions
ESMA 780
Advanced Urbanism: Urban Design Ideals and Action
ESMA 781
Modeling Urban Systems Energy Flow
ESMA 794
Selected Topics in Engineering Systems and Management
HSEG 601
Introduction to HSE Engineering
HSEG 602
Industrial Hygiene Engineering
HSEG 604
Hazard Control in Production Systems
HSEG 605
System Safety Engineering and Risk Management
HSEG 606
Fire Protection Engineering
HSEG 607
Industrial Security and Disaster Preparedness
HSEG 608
QHSE Program Management
HSEG 610
Hazardous Waste Management
HSEG 611
Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering
HSEG 612
Construction Safety Management
HSEG 613
Analysis and Design of Air Pollution Control Systems
HSEG 614
Analysis and Design of Water Pollution Control Systems
HSEG 615
Research Methods in HSE
HSEG 694
Selected Topics in HSEG
HSEG 697
HSEG Graduate Project
IICS 601
Introduction to International Relations and Security Issues
IICS 602
Introduction to Civil Security
IICS 603
Social Science Research Methods
IICS 604
Regional Security and the Terrorist Threat
IICS 621
Technology and International Security
IICS 622
Technology and Civil Security
IICS 623
Regional Security Challenges and Policy Options
IICS 624
Creating Integrated Civil Security
IICS 625
Globalization and Middle East Security
IICS 626
Comparative Civil Security Systems
IICS 645
Policy Analysis
IICS 646
Intelligence and National Security
IICS 647
Exercise Design and Technology
IICS 648
The Changing Nature of War and Conflict
IICS 649
Cybersecurity and its Implications for Statecraft
IICS 651
Comparative National Security
IICS 690
Critical Infrastructure Protection Design
IICS 691
Nuclear Security
IICS 692
Computer and Network Security
IICS 693
Wireless Network and Mobile Security
IICS 694
Information Security Management
IICS 695
Independent Study
IICS 698
Thesis Workshop
IICS 699
Master’s Thesis
MATH 601
Engineering Mathematical Analysis
MATH 602
Numerical Methods in Engineering
MATH 603
Random Variables and Stochastic Processes
MATH 604
Multivariate Data Analysis
MATH 610
Model Estimation
MATH 612
Computational Methods and Optimization in Finance
MATH 620
Advanced Statistical Inference
MATH 701
Combinatorial Analysis
MATH 702
Functional analysis
MATH 703
Finance and Stochastic Calculus
MATH 704
Matrix Comutations
MATH 705
Mechanics of interacting particles
MATH 706
Modern Statistical Predictionand Data Mining
MATH 707
Nonlinear Optimization
MATH 708
Partial Differential Equations
MATH 709
Probability and Stochastic Processes
MATH 710
Selected topics in group theory
MATH 711
Selected Topics in High Dimensional Statistics
MATH 717
Methods of Mathematical Physics
MATH 725
Computational Systems Biology
MATH 777
Mathematical Models for Biology and Epidemiology
MATH 787
Mathematical Imaging
MDBS 601
Molecules, Genes and Cells
MDBS 602
Structural Organization of the Human Body
MDBS 603
Introduction to Physiology and Immunology
MDBS 604
MDBS 605
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
MDBS 606
Pharmacology and Therapeutics
MDBS 701
Cardiovascular&Respiratory Sys
MDBS 702
MDBS 703
Integumentary System
MDBS 704
Musculoskeletal System
MDBS 705
Gastrointestinal System
MDBS 706
Endocrine System
MDBS 707
Reproductive System
MDBS 708
Renal System
MDBS 709
Nervous System &Special Senses
MDBS 710
Behavioral Science
MDBS 800
Med. Sci. in Clinical Practice
MDCM 600
Practice of Medicine I
MDCM 700
Practice of Medicine II
MDCM 801
Internal Medicine
MDCM 802
MDCM 803
Medical Imaging
MDCM 804
MDCM 805
Obstetrics and Gynecology
MDCM 806
MDCM 807
MDCM 808
Family Medicine
MDCM 900
Emergency Medicine
MDCM 901
Advanced Medicine
MDCM 903
Sub Internship
MDCM 904
Elective 1
MDCM 905
Elective 2
MDCM 906
Elective 3
MDCM 907
Elective 4
MDCM 908
Elective 5
MDCM 909
Elective 6
MDCM 999
Transitions V & Capstones
MDMS 600
Medicine and Society I
MDMS 700
Medicine and Society II
MDMS 800
Medicine And Society III
MDMS 900
Medicine & Society IV
MDPS 600
Transitions I
MDPS 601
Physicianship I
MDPS 700
Physicianship II
MDPS 701
Transitions II
MDPS 800
Physicianship III
MDPS 801
Transitions III
MDPS 900
Physicianship IV
MDPS 901
Transitions IV
MDRT 600
Research, Technology and Innovation I
MDRT 700
Research, Technology, and Innovation II
MDRT 800
Res. Tech. & Innovation III
MDRT 900
Research, Technology & Innovation IV
MEEN 601
Advanced Dynamics
MEEN 602
Advanced Vibrations
MEEN 603
Advanced Thermodynamics
MEEN 604
Advanced Fluid Mechanics
MEEN 605
Advanced Continuum Mechanics
MEEN 606
Advanced Mechanics of Solids and Materials
MEEN 607
Sustainable Energy
MEEN 610
Applied Finite Element Analysis
MEEN 611
Combustion Theory and Applications
MEEN 612
Advanced Viscous Flow Analysis
MEEN 613
Advanced Heat Transfer
MEEN 614
Advanced Energy Conversion
MEEN 615
Multiphase Flow Engineering
MEEN 616
Solar Thermal Analysis, Design and Testing
MEEN 617
Fuel Cell Systems
MEEN 618
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Fire Modeling
MEEN 619
Fire Dynamics Laboratory
MEEN 620
Measurements and Instrumentation
MEEN 621
Feedback Control
MEEN 622
Control System Theory and Design
MEEN 623
Introduction To Hydrodynamic Stability
MEEN 630
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
MEEN 631
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials
MEEN 632
Micro/Nanotechnology and Applications
MEEN 633
Advanced Manufacturing Processes
MEEN 651
Advanced Manufacturing Process
MEEN 656
Nonlinear Systems
MEEN 659
Modeling and Control of Robotic Systems
MEEN 694
Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering
MEEN 699
Master's Thesis
MEEN 701
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue
MEEN 702
Damage Mechanics of Solids and Structures
MEEN 703
Linear and Nonlinear Finite Element Methods
MEEN 704
Computational Inelasticity
MEEN 705
Micromechanics of Materials
MEEN 706
Theory of Plasticity
MEEN 720
Statistical Thermodynamics
MEEN 721
Computational Fluid Mechanics
MEEN 722
Non-Newtonian Fluid Dynamics
MEEN 723
Advanced Combustion
MEEN 724
Advanced Modeling of Cooling Systems
MEEN 725
Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
MEEN 726
Machine Learning for Fluid and Heat Flow Modelling
MEEN 741
Advanced Conduction and Radiation Heat Transfer
MEEN 742
Advanced Convection Heat Transfer
MEEN 743
Micro-Nano Energy Transport
MEEN 744
Interfacial Transport and Phase Change Heat Transfer
MEEN 745
Concentrated Solar Power and Thermal Energy Storage
MEEN 761
Advanced Process Dynamics and Control
MEEN 762
Analysis and Simulation of Mechatronics Systems
MEEN 763
Theory and design of digital control systems
MEEN 764
Optimal Control
MEEN 765
Acoustics and Noise Control
MEEN 766
MEMS Theory and Applications
MEEN 767
Control of Robotic Systems
MEEN 781
Materials Selection in Mechanical Design
MEEN 782
Materials Characterization Techniques
MEEN 791
Inference and Estimation from Models and Data
MEEN 792
Advanced Nanomaterials and Their Mechanical Applications
MEEN 794
Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering
MEPH 620
Radiation Biology
MEPH 630
Radiological Physics and Dosimetry
MEPH 635
Research Methods and Ethics
MEPH 640
Physics of Radiotherapy
MEPH 650
Physics of Diagnostic Imaging
MEPH 660
Non-Ionizing Radiation Imaging
MEPH 665
Clinical Rotations
MEPH 670
Health Physics and Radiation Protection
MEPH 680
Physics of Nuclear Medicine
MEPH 699
Medical Physics Master’s Thesis
MSEN 605
Structure and Properties of Polymers
MSEN 606
Materials Processing and Manufacturing Technologies
MSEN 607
Thermodynamics of Materials
MSEN 608
Kinetics of Materials
MSEN 611
Photovoltaic Technologies: Materials, Devices and Systems
MSEN 612
Physics for Solid-State Application
MSEN 619
Crystallography and Diffraction
MSEN 621
Mechanical Properties of Materials
MSEN 622
Electrical, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Amorphous Materials
MSEN 623
Electrical, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Crystalline Materials
MSEN 624
Thermal Properties of Materials
MSEN 657
Materials Engineering and Corrosion
MSEN 670
Advanced Extractive Metallurgy
MSEN 671
Advanced Physical Metallurgy
MSEN 672
Materials Characterization
MSEN 673
Phase Transformations in Metals
MSEN 694
Selected Topics in Material Science and Engineering
MSEN 699
Master’s Thesis
MSEN 701
Electrochemical Processes and Devices
MSEN 705
Micromechanics of Materials
MSEN 710
Advanced Solid State Physics
MSEN 712
Imaging of Materials: Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis
MSEN 715
Advanced Imaging of Materials: Transmission Electron Microscopy
MSEN 720
Statistical Thermodynamics
MSEN 730
Science and Engineering of Thin Films, Surfaces and Interfaces
MSEN 740
Advances in Investigation of Intermolecular and Surface Forces
MSEN 745
Concentrated Solar Power and Thermal Energy Storage
MSEN 750
High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells: Designs and Technologies
MSEN 760
Thin Film Solar Cells: From Design to Applications
MSEN 782
Materials Characterization Techniques
MSEN 792
Adv Nonomaterials & Mech App
MSEN 794
Selected Topics in Materials Science and Engineering
AERO 612
Advanced Viscous Flow Analysis
BMED 641
Biosensors: Fundamentals and A
CODS 626
Financial Derivatives and Risk Management
CODS 630
Advanced Computer Networks
CODS 631
Blockchain Fundamentals and Applications
CODS 634
Artificial Intelligence
CODS 635
Deep Learning Systems Design
CODS 637
GPU Programming
CODS 640
Financial Cyber Security
CODS 642
Database Systems Concepts and Design
CODS 643
Mobile and Pervasive Computing
CODS 644
Data Science for Business Applications
CODS 645
Financial Machine Learning
CODS 650
Data Processing and Visualization
CODS 694
Selected Topics in Computational Data Science
COSC 630
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Cyber-Security
MEEN 663
Theory and Design of Digital Control Systems
MEEN 681
Materials Selection in Mechanical Design
NUCE 601
Thermal Hydraulics in Nuclear Systems
NUCE 602
Nuclear materials, Structural Integrity and Chemistry
NUCE 603
Nuclear Reactor Theory
NUCE 604
Radiation Measurement and Applications
NUCE 606
Radiation Measurement and Applications
NUCE 607
Principles of Radiological Protection
NUCE 608
Radiological Protection in Planned Exposure Situations
NUCE 609
Radiological Protection in Existing and Emergency Exposure Situations
NUCE 611
Nuclear Systems Design and Analysis
NUCE 612
Nuclear Safety and Probabilistic Safety
NUCE 613
Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Safeguards
NUCE 614
Nuclear Nonproliferation and Security
NUCE 615
Radiation Dosimetry
NUCE 616
Occupational Radiological Protections
NUCE 621
Nuclear Instrumentation and Control
NUCE 622
Thermal Hydraulics Computations & Modelling
NUCE 623
Radiological Environmental Impact Assessment
NUCE 624
Radiation Damage and Nuclear Fuels
NUCE 625
Advanced Core Physics for Light Water Reactors
NUCE 630
Biological Effects of the Exposure to Ionizing Radiation
NUCE 694
Selected Topics in Nuclear Engineering
NUCE 699
Master's Thesis
NUCE 701
Advanced Computational Methods of Particle Transport
NUCE 702
Nuclear Systems and Materials/Accident analysis
NUCE 703
Aging Management of Nuclear Materials
NUCE 704
The Reactor Core Design Analysis for light water reactors
NUCE 705
Nuclear Criticality Safety Assessment
NUCE 794
Selected Topics in Nuclear Engineering
PEEG 610
Advanced Well Test Analysis
PEEG 620
Advanced Drilling Engineering
PEEG 621
Underbalanced Drilling
PEEG 623
Well Stimulation
PEEG 630
Advanced Reservoir Engineering
PEEG 631
Petroleum Reservoir Simulation
PEEG 632
Enhanced Oil Recovery
PEEG 640
Well Performance Evaluation
PEEG 641
Well Completion and Workover
PEEG 650
Advanced Petroleum Economics
PEEG 694
Selected Topics in Petroleum Engineering
PEEG 699
Master's Thesis
PEEG 723
Stimulation of Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs
PEEG 730
Fluid Flow and Transport Processes in Porous Media
PEEG 732
Hybrid Enhanced Oil Recovery
PEEG 733
Miscible Gas Flooding
PEEG 746
Emerging Well Construction Technology
PEEG 747
Horizontal and Multilateral Drilling and Completion
PEEG 749
Characterization and Modelling of Unconventional Reservoirs
PEEG 752
Simulation of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
PEEG 794
Selected Topics in Petroleum Engineering
PGEG 611
Carbonate Reservoir Petrology
PGEG 612
Sequence Stratigraphy of Carbonate Systems
PGEG 613
Advanced Reservoir Characterization
PGEG 623
Remote Sensing for Earth Sciences Applications and GIS
PGEG 689
Special Topics in Petroleum Geosciences
PGEG 695
Graduate Seminar I
PGEG 696
Graduate Seminar II
PGEG 699
PGEG 799
PhD Dissertation Research
PHYS 701
Advanced Computational Physics
PHYS 702
Advanced Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 703
Molecular Biophysics
PHYS 704
Advanced Electromagnetic Theory
PHYS 705
Nanophysics and Nanotechnology
PHYS 706
Quantum Field Theory
PHYS 707
Advanced Solid State Physics
PHYS 708
Theoretical Astroparticle Physics
PHYS 709
Experimental Techniques in Astroparticle Physics
PHYS 710
Planetary Astrophysics
PHYS 711
Quantum Transport and Optics
PHYS 712
Atomic and Molecular Physics for Space Scientists
PHYS 713
Electron Microscopy for Materials Characterization
SCIE 701
Research Methods in Science
SCIE 702
Research Seminar I
SCIE 703
Research Seminar II
SCIE 795
PhD Written Qualifying Examina
SCIE 796
PhD Research Proposal Examinat
SCIE 799
PhD Thesis Dissertation
SCIN 601
Transportation Systems Analysis: Demand and Economics
SCIN 602
Urban Design for Sustainability: Theory and Practice
SCIN 603
Management of Infrastructure Systems
SCIN 604
Infrastructure Finance
SCIN 605
Planning Theory, Practice, and Ethics
SCIN 606
Geographic Information Systems
SCIN 607
Infrastructure and Development
SCIN 608
Urban Planning and Design Studio
SCIN 609
Comparative Land Use and Transportation Planning
SCIN 610
Public Transportation Systems
SCIN 611
Thermal Energy in Buildings
SCIN 612
Sustainable Building Science: Fundamentals, Tools, and Applications
SCIN 694
Selected Topics in Sustainable Critical Infrastructure
SCIN 699
Master’s Thesis (
TEST 999
Test Course
THS 699
WENV 601
Chemicals in the Environment: Fate and Transport
WENV 602
Industrial Ecology
WENV 604
WENV 606
Wastewater Treatment Engineering
WENV 611
Hydrologic Analysis
WENV 622
Data Analysis for Environmental Modeling
WENV 623
Global Climate Change: Impacts and Adaptation
WENV 694
Selected Topics in Water and Environmental Engineering
WENV 699
Master’s Thesis