Undergraduate Catalog

Policy and Grading Scales

Grades are an important component of the learning assessment process (refer to ACA 3300 Assessment of Student Learning). It is the responsibility of the course instructor to inform each class at the beginning of the semester or session of the nature of the course assessment and corresponding grades assigned. Each course instructor should include a grading metric in the course syllabus. The following grades and guidelines are used at the KU:

For undergraduate programs:

Letter Grade Grade Point Description
A 4 Excellent
A- 3.7 Very Good
B+ 3.3
B 3 Good
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3 Satisfactory
C 2
C- 1.7 Less Than Satisfactory
D 1 Poor
F 0 Fail
WF 0 Withdrew Failing

Additional letter grades are used to denote special cases. These letter grades do not have corresponding grade points, and hence are not used in calculating a student’s grade point average.

W Withdrew between end of late registration and deadline for course withdrawal
WP Withdrew Passing after the deadline for course withdrawal through the last day of classes. A WP grade must be approved by the dean (or designee).
WA Administratively withdrawn due to absences.
S Satisfactory in a Pass/Fail course.
U Unsatisfactory (Denotes failing in a Pass/Fail course)
I Incomplete* (See below)
IP In Progress (May be assigned prior to a final grade in a multi-course sequence.)
AUD Audit
EX Student Exempt from a Course (No credit given)
TR Transfer (Credit counted)
N No grade submitted
XF Failure due to academic dishonesty (This grade can only be assigned after an academic dishonesty hearing. A student may petition to change this grade to F.)