Undergraduate Catalog

Policy (Credit by Examination)

A qualified student enrolled at Khalifa University may pass a specially prepared challenge examination and receive credit for a University course without having undertaken the normal course work. Interested students should contact the Chair of the Department in which credit is sought to request administration of an examination. Since it may not be appropriate to award credit based on Advanced Standing for some courses, the decision to offer an examination rests with the Department. If the Chair of the Department authorizes an examination, the student is instructed to complete the Credit by Examination form at the Office of Admission and Registration. Hours earned through Credit by Examination will be indicated on the transcript, but no grade points will be awarded. Hours attempted will be assigned equal to the hours earned. Failure on such an examination will incur no grade point penalty or hours attempted. Credits earned through "credit by examination" are considered in residence credits for degree requirement purposes.

Credit by Examination is subject to the following conditions:

  1. Credit by Examination testing will normally be offered during the final examinations period.
  2. Students may attempt Credit by Examination in a given course only once.
  3. No more than 12 credit hours of Credit by Examination may be included in a major program.
  4. No more than 6 credit hours of Credit by Examination may be included in a minor program.
  5. Credit by Examination test scores will be reported with a P or U grade. Neither grade will be included in the calculation of the student’s GPA.
  6. Students requesting Credit by Examination must satisfy all pre-requisites of the course for which they are being examined.