Graduate Catalog

Attendance, Leave and Withdrawal

Graduate students are expected to regularly attend University and participate in all elements of their program of study, including taught coursework, research and teaching duties. All faculty members are required to maintain accurate and up-to-date records of graduate student attendance. A student who is not able to attend University for any reason is required to inform the relevant course instructor, student’s Main Advisor and/or the Graduate Studies Office (as applicable). Student attendance is governed by KU Academic Policy ACA 3555 Student Attendance (Graduate Programs). The University recognizes that personal circumstances may require a student to temporarily or permanently withdraw from his/her studies. Provisions for managing such circumstances are outlined in KU Academic Policy ACA 3700 Withdrawal, Discontinuing and Resuming Studies. For policies and processes concerning the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, please refer to the CMHS Medical Student Handbook.

Institutional Sanctions for Non-Attendance

The following shall apply when a graduate student has been absent for more than 30% of scheduled classes in which he/she is currently enrolled (either excused or unexcused):

  • If the 30% limit is reached on or before the last day to withdraw from classes, as specified in the Academic Calendar, a letter grade of WA (Withdrawn Administratively) will be automatically assigned.
  • In all other cases a letter grade of WF (Withdrew Failing) will be assigned.
  • Appeals must be submitted with all necessary documentation within three working days of the WA or WF grade notification. All appeals should be referred to the Graduate Studies Council, which will provide a recommendation to the Provost whose decision is final.
  • Full-time students holding a KU scholarship are expected to be on campus full-time (including during official study breaks), unless a period of absence is approved by the Graduate Studies Office. Unapproved absence may result in the loss or suspension of the student’s scholarship.

Excused Absence (Short-Term)

Students who participate in KU sanctioned activities or encounter unavoidable circumstances can apply to obtain an excused absence for failure to attend a scheduled class or other University activity. Applications should be submitted through the Office of Student Success and students should seek prior approval whenever possible. Applications to excuse absence post facto must be made no later than three working days after the absence. An excused absence may be approved with implication on attendance record (absence is removed from the percentage) or without implication on attendance record (percentage of missed contact time remains unchanged). If the student is applying for excused absence on medical grounds, the application will be verified and approved by the KU nurse.

Where an excused absence causes a student to miss an assessment, then the student’s grade for the assessment shall be calculated in accordance with the course syllabus and the guidelines of the relevant College. Unexcused absences that cause a student to miss an assessment will result in the student receiving a grade of zero for the missed assessment with a concomitant effect upon the student’s final grade.

The decision by Student Success in consultation with the Graduate Studies Office to grant or decline a student’s application is final, notwithstanding an appeal submitted by the student. The following excused absence types shall be considered:

  • Appointment with official authorities.
  • Legal and judicial orders.
  • National Service duties (short-term).
  • Representing KU on official business (e.g. conference, presentation, fieldtrip, internship).
  • Hospitalization (in patient for more than one night).
  • Serious injury.
  • Contagious disease.
  • Medical treatment abroad either personal or escorting an immediate family member - parent, grandparent, sibling, spouse, child (may be granted to students who have not reached 50% absences, with pre-approval).
  • Death of an immediate family member - parent, grandparent, sibling, spouse, child (may be granted for up to five calendar days).
  • Maternity leave (may be granted for up to fourteen calendar days).
  • Paternity leave (may be granted for up to three calendar days).
  • Hajj (pre-approval is required minimum ten working days prior to travel).
  • Emergency (determined by Office of Student Success).

National Service Leave

Leave for National Service is automatically granted. The student must return to the university in the semester immediately following the completion of National Service. Leave taken for National Service does not affect the student’s Leave of Absence entitlement.

Annual Leave

Full-time graduate students holding a Khalifa University scholarship may be eligible to take annual leave as per the entitlement stated in the relevant scholarship award contract. Students must meet, discuss and obtain the approval of their Advisor(s) prior to applying for leave. The Advisor is responsible for guiding the student and approving annual leave requests on behalf of the Department. In all cases, annual leave for graduate students must be approved by the Advisor and the AVP of Graduate Studies (or designee). The Graduate Studies Office oversees the leave process for graduate students and the decision of the AVP of Graduate Studies is final. Students can apply for annual leave in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • Students must apply for annual leave at least two weeks prior to the first day of absence. In exceptional circumstances, this requirement may be waived.
  • Students may be granted a maximum number of leave days within the period of study or any related extension in accordance with provisions made in the relevant scholarship award contract.
  • Generally, annual leave can be taken only during the official study breaks published in the Khalifa University Academic Calendar, i.e. Summer, Winter or Spring. In exceptional circumstances, the AVP of Graduate Studies may approve leave days outside official study breaks, in consultation with the student’s Advisor(s).
  • Annual leave will be accrued pro‐rata on the basis of time studied and the accrual rate will be based on the student’s annual entitlement.
  • Annual leave must be taken within the calendar year, during the period of study. Leave days not utilized at the end of each year will be forfeited. Leave days not utilized at the end of the study period, any related extension or at the end of the scholarship award contract will be forfeited.
  • In exceptional circumstances, students may apply to exceed their annual leave entitlement and must provide justification, as well as supporting documents. Any additional leave days will normally be unpaid and can be granted only with approval from the AVP of Graduate Studies.
  • Students are eligible for all paid Public Holidays announced by the University.
  • Taking leave without approval may lead to termination of scholarship or stipend deductions.

Leave of Absence and Resuming Studies

Under exceptional circumstances, students may apply for a temporary Leave of Absence (LoA) for a maximum of two semesters during their degree studies. Students should be aware that taking leave will have an impact on their scholarship terms and timely progress toward graduation. The LoA must be approved by the student’s Advisor, Department Chair, the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies at the relevant College and the AVP of Graduate Studies. The following guidelines apply:

  • Generally, a student must be in good academic standing.
  • The student must submit the LoA request, specifying the reason and duration of requested leave, supported by relevant documentation.
  • If the LoA request is submitted on or before the last day of the Add/Drop Period, as specified in the Academic Calendar, student will be automatically withdrawn from all registered courses for the semester in which LoA is approved.
  • If the LoA request is submitted on or before the last day to withdraw from courses, a letter grade of “W” (Withdrew) will be assigned for all registered courses. If the LoA request is submitted after this date, a letter grade of “WF” (Withdrew Failing) will be assigned for all registered courses.
  • Students are not eligible to receive scholarship benefits for the semester in which LoA is approved.
  • Students sponsored by non-KU agencies may not take a Leave of Absence without their sponsor’s approval.

To resume studies after LoA, students must contact the Registrar’s Office to request re-activation latest before the end of the Add/Drop period for the relevant semester. The Registrar’s Office will notify the relevant departments. The student is allowed to resume his/her studies as long as there is no active administrative hold placed on the student. A student who does not return from LoA by the next regular semester as specified in the leave request, is dismissed from the University.

A student who is away from the university, for any reason other than National Service, for more than two consecutive regular semesters must submit a new application for admission, prior to the semester for which registration is sought. Students will be required to follow the graduate catalog and program study plan for the semester in which they are re-admitted.

Permanent Withdrawal from the University

A student may voluntarily withdraw from the university in accordance with withdrawal clearance procedures and subject to the terms and conditions of his/her scholarship contract or agreement, as applicable. The student must withdraw officially and complete the clearance process, which can be initiated by submitting the Application for Permanent Withdrawal. The withdrawal is effective on the date the form is received by the Registrar’s Office.

  • No record of enrollment in courses will appear on the transcript of a student who withdraws during the official Add/Drop period.
  • A student who withdraws before the deadline for course withdrawal, but after the official Add/Drop period, will receive a grade of “W” for all courses in progress.
  • Students withdrawing after the course withdrawal deadline and before the last day of classes will receive a grade of “WF” for all courses. The student has the right to appeal a grade of WF as per the provisions of STL 5450 Student Grievances and Appeals. In cases of a successful appeal, a grade of WP will be assigned.
  • Any student who leaves the university before the close of a semester without withdrawing officially will receive a failing grade of “F” in each course for which the student was registered.

Dismissal or Suspension from the University

A student may be dismissed from the university for, but not limited to, the following reasons:

  • The student fails to satisfy the progression rules of the program.
  • The student fails to satisfy the completion requirements of the program.
  • The student does not maintain adequate contact with his/her thesis/dissertation Advisor.
  • The student is in violation of the university code of conduct.
  • The student is in violation of the academic integrity policy.

A student who was dismissed from the university will not be readmitted. A student who was suspended for a period of time can be readmitted to the university after completion of the suspension period, subject to the student signing an undertaking of not repeating the cause of suspension.

Refer to the Academic Standing section of this Catalog for guidelines relating to academic dismissal.