Graduate Catalog

MSc in Applied Mathematics

About the Program

The degree of Master of Science in Applied Mathematics (MSc in Applied Mathematics) is awarded for successfully completing the requirements of a program of study, which includes taught courses and a thesis. The thesis is an independent investigation of specialized areas within the general field of Applied Mathematics.

The MSc in Applied Mathematics gives candidates the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in the broad field of Applied Mathematics and contribute to the process of discovery and knowledge creation through the conduct of original research. Candidates for this degree are taught and supervised by experienced faculty and are expected to demonstrate initiative in their approach and innovation in their work. In addition to successfully completing the taught course, candidates prepare and present a thesis on their chosen research area. Research may be undertaken on several topics corresponding to the areas of focus identified by the University. 

Program Educational Objectives

The educational objectives of the MSc in Applied Mathematics program are to produce graduates who will be able to:

  1. Advance professionally and be recognized as leaders in their chosen areas within the broad field of Applied Mathematics
  2. Master solid analytical, quantitative and computational skills where Mathematics and Statistics play a key role
  3. Apply their technical expertise to address the critical needs of society in a creative, ethical, and innovative manner
  4. Further develop their knowledge and skills through graduate education or professional schools

Learning Outcomes

Students graduating with the MSc in Applied Mathematics will be able to:

  1. Identify, formulate, and solve mathematical problems through knowledge and understanding of advanced mathematical concepts and computing
  2. Critically evaluate emerging technologies and assess how they can be applied to different practical problems
  3. Demonstrate the ability to advance his/her own knowledge and understanding through independent learning
  4. Conduct and document research as well as defend such research results
  5. Function in teams and communicate effectively
  6. Conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner