Graduate Catalog

MEEN 705 Micromechanics of Materials

Introduction Overview; materials classification; typical microstructural constituents--grains, phases, particles, etc.; stress, strain and simple tension experiments Review of necessary elements of solid mechanics Tensor algebra, Stress, Strain and deformation, Conservation principles Elastic and thermal properties of heterogeneous materials: Maxwell and Voigt simple bounds; self-consistent field models; bounding approaches, Unit cells of crystalline materials; Hooke’s law, physical basis of linear elasticity; anisotropic linear elasticity; elastic properties of heterogeneous media Micromechanics of failure/damage: Constitutive behavior of materials with voids and cracks; localization of plastic flow; local failure mechanisms. Dislocation theory Ideal shear strength of perfect crystals; topology and properties of dislocations; generation of dislocations and resultant permanent deformation; dislocation interaction with other dislocations and with other defects. Toughening mechanisms Critical resolved shear stress in single crystals; plastic deformation in polycrystals; strengthening mechanisms; plastic yielding under complex stress states; limit analysis. Phase transformations. Current research topics in mechanics of materials



Cross Listed Courses

MSEN 705


Fall Spring