Graduate Catalog

Thesis Proposal and Presentation

Students must write and defend a Thesis Proposal, which consists of the following:

  • The main research problem that the student intends to work on and why it is important.
  • A review of the principal literature relevant to the thesis research topic.
  • Results the student expects to achieve, and why they would be of significant value in the area of research.
  • The general strategy that the student intends to pursue in dealing with the research problem, together with a work-plan for the stages of the work.

The proposal should be submitted to the Main Advisor and Co-Advisor(s) for approval, before being circulated to RSC members. The Main Advisor will arrange for a presentation typically within two weeks of receipt of the Thesis Proposal. MA students will complete the presentation at the end of the Thesis Workshop course. The presentation will normally take 30 minutes (20 minutes for student’s presentation and 10 minutes for questions). In his/her written proposal and during the presentation, the student is required to:

  • Demonstrate a clear understanding of the research problem;
  • Defend the general strategy that he/she intends to pursue in dealing with the research problem;
  • Write clearly, accurately, cogently, and in a style appropriate to purpose;
  • Construct coherent arguments and articulate ideas clearly; and
  • Present a plan to execute the entire work.

RSC members will evaluate the student’s Thesis Proposal and presentation. Any comments made by the RSC should be taken into account by the student and his/her Advisor(s) during the execution of the thesis work.

In case the MSc proposal does not meet the RSC expectation, the full-time student should improve the proposal and resubmit it to RSC for approval by the end of that semester, and part-time student should submit the revised proposal for RSC approval by the end of next semester.

Following the RSC decision, the Main Advisor must forward a copy of the student’s Thesis Proposal and the completed Research Proposal Evaluation Report to the Department Chair (or designee), Associate Dean for Graduate Studies at the relevant College and the Graduate Studies Office.