Identification and Analysis of Plagiarism Guidelines
It is university policy that electronically submitted coursework produced by students be regularly submitted to suitable plagiarism-detection software for the identification and analysis of possible plagiarism. The University holds a site license for reputable plagiarism-detection software and makes available to all teaching staff relevant access to the software. It is mandatory that all teaching staff use such software for all major student assignments and final project reports. Plagiarism is deemed to have occurred if the plagiarism score is equal to or greater than 15%, after all individual instances of scores of 2% or less are discounted.
All coursework items that achieve a plagiarism score equal to or greater than 15% (after all individual instances of scores of 2% or less are discounted) will be awarded zero grades, subject to the following rider: For Senior students only, where a piece of coursework or the final project report attains a plagiarism score between 15% and 17% (after all individual instances of scores of 2% or less are discounted), the report must be reviewed by the relevant instructor and a decision made jointly by the relevant instructor and the Department Chair as to the final score that will be recorded.
The only faculty member who may submit a coursework item for a particular course to a plagiarism- detection software program is the assigned instructor for that course. No other academic course member should submit any coursework item that relates to another faculty member’s assigned course.