Graduate Catalog

Emergency Services


Emergency services are provided by the campus Security Department, which operates 24/7. These services can be requested by calling 02-312 3999. Please refer to the University’s Emergency Plan for additional information.



1. Importance of Knowing Procedures: Knowing what to do in an emergency is crucial for your safety and others.

2. Recognizing an Emergency: Alarms or alerts signal an emergency. Take immediate action when you hear alarm.

3. Immediate Actions: Leave the building immediately via the nearest exit. Act promptly.

4. Safe and Orderly Exit: Exit the building calmly and promptly. Do not run or push. Follow the evacuation plan. After evacuating, go to the designated assembly areas to ensure everyone is accounted for.

5. Campus Awareness: Always know your location on campus. Familiarize yourself with building layouts and exits. Do not re-enter the building until given the all-clear by security personnel.