Graduate Catalog

SCIN 609 Comparative Land Use and Transportation Planning

This course focuses on the land use-transportation "interaction space" in metropolitan settings. The course aims to develop an understanding of relevant theories and analytical techniques, through the exploration of various cases drawn from different parts of the world. During the first part of the course, students will develop a basic understanding of: the major forces, patterns and trends of metropolitan growth today; conceptual and analytical models of urban development and the role of transportation; and the relevant planning institutions. The second part of the course will introduce the concept of accessibility and related issues of individual travel demand. Building on these foundations, in the third part of the course students will explore the influence of the metropolitan built environment on travel behavior, including historical interest and evidence, relevant theories and analytical approaches, techniques for measuring relevant aspects of the "built environment," and implications for planning tools and policies. The fourth part of the course turns to the other side of the land use-transportation "interaction space;" that is, the role of transportation on metropolitan land development. Students will learn about historical influences and then study in more detail the effects as they relate to provision of both public transportation infrastructure and roadways. We will also examine the implications for various financial instruments and institutional structures. Finally, the fifth part of the course will take a prospective perspective, looking at the implications of the land use-transportation interaction space for metropolitan futures, and our abilities to forecast them.





