Graduate Catalog

Student Council

Khalifa University promotes the active participation of students in the governance of the university. Every student on campus, undergraduate or graduate, is eligible to serve on a student council, university committee or departmental advisory board, as applicable.

The purpose of the University Student Council is to provide the student body with a common platform that promotes interaction among students and the University body. The Student Council works closely with the Student Services Office (SSO) to foster a spirit of community, understanding, and harmony throughout the campus. The Student Council also aims to provide students with unique opportunities to develop life skills and leadership qualities by organizing activities and hosting events of interest to the students.

Student Council Objectives:

  • To liaise between the student body and University Management.
  • To provide students with a platform to voice their views and facilitate action from the campus administration on any issues, needs and concerns.
  • To work on behalf of the interests and needs of the students.
  • To play an active and central role in the co-curricular life of the University.
  • To improve the intellectual, cultural, and social character of the campus.
  • To work with the Student Services Office (SSO) to set up events and activities.
  • To empower students at both levels to foster a living, learning sustainable community
  • To develop leadership skills.