Graduate Catalog

Quick Facts

FTE Student:Faculty Ratio

FTE student represents a combination of full-time and part-time students adjusted to reflect full-time equivalents, as well as FTE faculty reflects full-time equivalents. The "FTE Student: Faculty Ratio" refers to the ratio of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) students to faculty members at Khalifa University. It's a measure used to understand how many students are served by each faculty member, taking into account the full-time equivalent of students and faculty rather than just headcounts.


 Academic Year FTE Students  FTE Faculty  FTE Student:Faculty Ratio
 2021/22  4,236.0  391.5  10.8
 2022/23  4,461.0 395.5 11.3
 2023/24  4,319.7  377.5  11.4

Student Satisfaction Rate (Curriculum)

The Student Satisfaction Rate (Curriculum) is a metric that reflects how satisfied students are with the quality and content of the courses offered by Khalifa University. It measures the extent to which students feel that the curriculum meets their learning objectives.


 Academic Year Student Satisfaction Rate (Curriculum)
 2021/22 86.8%
 2022/23  86.3%
 2023/24 87.5%