Graduate Catalog

Program Structure and Requirements

Overall Program Structure

The MA ICS program is equivalent to 36 credit hours, distributed as follows: 12 credit hours of Program Core courses, 12 credit hours of Program Elective courses and 12 credit hours of Master’s Workshop and Thesis. The core courses cover basic dimensions of both civil security and the broader security context in which civil security planning and policy must occur. Upon completion of the core coursework, students must take an additional four elective courses, two of which may form a specialized Track in Civil Security or Regional Security. If the student elects to complete one of the Tracks, it will be noted on his/her transcript. The components of the MA ICS program are summarized in the table below.

Program Component Credit Hours
Program Core (4 courses) 12
Program Electives (4 courses) 12
Master’s Workshop and Thesis 12
Total 36

Program Requirements

Students seeking the degree of MA in International and Civil Security must successfully complete 36 credit hours as specified in the program requirements detailed below, with a minimum CGPA of 3.0. Course selection should be made in consultation with the student’s Academic Advisor. All courses have a credit rating of three credits each, except the Master’s Thesis.

Program Core (12 credit hours)

Students must complete the core courses listed below.

Core Courses

Program Electives and Tracks (12 credit hours)

Students must select four courses from the list below.

Students may organize their elective choices to complete one of the optional Program Tracks, which will be noted on the student’s official transcript. The Civil Security Track focuses on preparing current and aspiring civil security professionals. The Regional Security Track aims to prepare current and aspiring policy analysts, as well as senior civilian and military officials. Students wishing to complete an optional track, must select at least two courses from one of the track groups listed below.

Elective Courses

Civil Security Track

Track Courses

Regional Security Track

Track Courses


Thesis Workshop and Master’s Thesis (12 credit hours)

Students must enroll in the Thesis Workshop after passing a minimum of six courses (18 credit hours), including the four core courses. The Thesis Workshop is a pre-requisite for the Master’s Thesis and must be successfully completed before the student can register for thesis credits.

Workshop (3 credit hours)

Students must complete a Master’s Thesis that involves creative, research-oriented work within the field of civil or international security, under direct supervision of a full-time faculty advisor from the Institute of International and Civil Security, and at least one other full-time faculty who acts as a co-advisor. The outcome of research should demonstrate the synthesis of information into knowledge in a form that may be used by others. The research findings must be documented in a formal thesis and defended successfully in a viva voce examination.

Thesis (9 credit hours)