Graduate Catalog

Program Structure and Requirements

Overall Program Structure

The MSc MEPH program consists of a minimum 36 credit hours, distributed as follows:

Program Component Credit Hours
Program Courses 27
Clinical Rotations 3
Master’s Thesis 6
Total 36

Program Requirements

Students seeking the degree of MSc in Medical Physics must successfully complete a minimum 36 credit hours as specified in the program requirements detailed below, with a minimum CGPA of 3.0. Course selection should be made in consultation with the student’s Main Advisor.

Program Courses and Clinical Rotations (30 credit hours)

Students must complete the core courses listed below.

Core Courses


Master’s Thesis (6 credit hours)

Students must complete a Master’s Thesis that involves creative, research-oriented work within the field of medical physics, under direct supervision of a full-time faculty advisor from the Physics Department, and at least one other full-time faculty who acts as a co-advisor. The outcome of research should demonstrate the synthesis of information into knowledge in a form that may be used by others. The research findings must be documented in a formal thesis and defended successfully in a viva voce examination.
