Graduate Catalog

Confidentiality and Privacy of Student Records

Khalifa University creates and maintains a variety of records for prospective, current and former students. Documents submitted by students become the property of the university including, but not limited to application/enrollment forms, school certificates, academic or other transcripts and English language test scores. University faculty and staff are permitted to access a student’s academic record only when necessary to the performance of their assigned duties and responsibilities.

Current and former students, their guardians and/or sponsors have access to the student’s academic records upon written request to the Registrar’s Office and provision of valid identification in accordance with ACA 3850 Confidentiality and Privacy of Student Records policy. Other parties may be given limited access to student academic records as follows:

  • Organizations, their employees, agents and/or representatives authorized to act on the University’s behalf or providing a service or function for or on behalf of the University may have access such as may reasonably be considered necessary to the service or function.
  • Government and other authorized officials including accrediting bodies.
  • To comply with a judicial order.
  • Other institutions to which a student is transferring;
  • Organizations conducting educational studies, on the condition that no personally identifiable information is released, or is released only in aggregate form.
  • University employees, agents or representatives investigating a suspected security breach or conduct violation.
  • Emergency personnel where there is a health or safety concern.

A student, guardian, or sponsor has the right to request changes to the content of the student’s education record if the content is considered to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights. Such a request should be submitted in writing to the Registrar’s Office.