Graduate Catalog

Procedure and Penalties for Academic Misconduct

Academic Dishonesty - Minor Violations

If an instructor suspects that a student has committed a minor violation, he/she should meet with the student to discuss the allegation. The meeting must take place within three working days from when the alleged violation was identified. If the instructor determines that no academic violation has occurred, the matter is dropped. If the instructor determines that a minor violation has occurred, he/she shall:

  • Apply a sanction, if any, in accordance with KU policy ACA 3500 Academic Integrity (see also “Possible Sanctions for Academic Dishonesty Violations” below).
  • Notify the student, the instructor’s Department Chair and the relevant College Dean in writing, detailing the violation and sanction applied (if any) within five working days from when the meeting with the student(s) took place.
  • The instructor’s department chair will notify the Office of the Registrar about the violation, which will be recorded in the student’s file. Following a second minor violation, the student’s file will be referred by the Office of the Registrar to the Academic Integrity Council (AIC) for evaluation and recommendation of further sanctions.

Academic Dishonesty - Major Violations

If an instructor suspects that a student has committed a major violation, he/she should meet with the student to discuss the allegation. The meeting must take place within three working days from when the alleged violation was identified. If the instructor determines that no academic violation has occurred, the matter is dropped. If the instructor determines that a major violation has occurred, he/she shall:

  • Notify the student, the instructor’s Department Chair, and the relevant College Dean in writing, detailing the violation within five working days from when the meeting with the student(s) took place.
  • The student will be notified in writing of the incident in question and the policy violation(s) under consideration. The notice (typically sent via email) will be delivered sufficiently in advance of the hearing to afford a reasonable opportunity to prepare a presentation and have access to the case file.
  • The student’s case file will be referred to the referred by the instructor’s department chair through the relevant college to the Academic Integrity Council (AIC) within five (5) working days
  • The student’s file will be automatically referred to the Judicial Officer (or designee) who will review the case, gather the evidence and present it, in writing, to the Academic Integrity Council (AIC).
  • Upon submission of the case to the AIC,
    • The AIC will hold a meeting with the Judicial Officer (or designee) and, if necessary, the student and/or instructor for the purpose of examining the evidence and questioning any witnesses or relevant parties.
    • The student shall have the right to be assisted by an advocate. The advocacy role may be assigned to an academic advisor or counselor. External attorneys are not permitted to be involved in any grievance or appeal case.
    • The committee may consult the university legal assessors or an expert (e.g. medical, psychological, etc.) for advice regarding any evidentiary issue.
    • Based on the evidence, if the AIC decides that the student has committed an academic violation, they will recommend an appropriate sanction. The AIC may recommend any sanction in accordance with KU policy ACA 3500 Academic Integrity (see also “Possible Sanctions for Academic Dishonesty Violations” below).
    • The AIC submits a full report, including the recommended sanction, to the Provost (or designee) for a final decision. Such decision will be communicated to the Registrar’s Office. Where the Provost (or designee) determines to impose a sanction other than that recommended by the AIC, written justification shall be provided to the AIC.
    • The Registrar’s Office will communicate the final decision to the student, the instructor, the Department Chair, the relevant College Dean and the Graduate Studies Office.

During an Academic Dishonesty Investigation

A student under investigation for violation of this policy document may not withdraw from the course in question. A student may not graduate as long as any alleged violation of the Academic Integrity Policy remains unresolved. Non-availability of any of the concerned parties will not hinder the continuation of the investigation. Students may seek advice about the policy and the associated procedures from the advisor.

Possible Sanctions for Academic Dishonesty Violations

Sanctions for academic dishonesty are applied based on the severity of the violation:

  • Requirement to attend scheduled developmental workshops on relevant topics

    Opportunistic cheating in assignments, exercises, examinations, projects, presentations, reports, etc. that have a limited effect on a student’s course grade.

  • Reduced grade or 0 for the work

    Opportunistic cheating in assignments, exercises, examinations, projects, presentations, reports, etc. that have a limited effect on a student’s course grade.

  • Reduction in course grade by one letter grade

    Premeditated cheating in assignments, exercises, examinations, projects, presentations, reports, etc. that have a limited effect on a student’s course grade.

  • XF or reduction in grade for the course

    Opportunistic cheating in assignments, exercises, examinations, projects, presentations, reports, etc. that have a significant effect on a student’s course grade.

  • Suspension for one semester and an XF for the course

    Premeditated cheating in assignments, exercises, examinations, projects, presentations, reports, etc. that have a significant effect on a student’s course grade.

  • Expulsion from KU

    Premeditated and/or repeated cheating in assignments, exercises, examinations, projects, presentations, reports, etc. that have a significant effect on a student’s course grade.

  • Suspension from KU

    A student found guilty of academic dishonesty may be suspended for one or more semesters. The AIC recommends the length of suspension. Once imposed, the AIC recommends the effective date for suspension, which could be immediate. If suspended during an academic semester, the student will receive a grade of XF (Failure due to Academic Dishonesty) for the concerned course and a W for all remaining courses. KU will report the case to the student’s guardian and/or sponsor.


A student may, prior to graduation, appeal an XF grade recorded or other imposed sanction in accordance with STL 5450 Student Grievances and Appeals.

Records of Sanctions

All records of sanctions for all cases will be maintained in the student’s file. In cases of major violations, KU will provide a record of sanction upon request from the guardian and/or sponsor (see ACA 3850 Confidentiality and Privacy of Student Records).