Graduate Catalog

Program Structure and Requirements (with only BSc Degree)

Overall Program Structure

The PhD ENGR consists of a minimum 72 credit hours, distributed as follows: 12 credit hours of Program Core courses, 24 credit hours of Program Technical Elective courses, 36 credit hours of Dissertation research and two zero credit PhD Research Seminar courses. The technical background of the student will be assessed by a Written Qualifying Examination (WQE), followed by a Research Proposal Examination (RPE) which the student must successfully complete in order to progress further in the program. The components of the PhD program are summarized in the table below.


Category Credit Hours
Core Courses 12
Technical Electives 24
ENGR 703 PhD Research Seminar I 0
ENGR 704 PhD Research Seminar II 0
ENGR 795 PhD Written Qualifying Exam 0
ENGR 796 PhD Research Proposal Exam 0
PhD Research Dissertation 36
Total 72

All the courses that the students will take are at PhD level. The students will only be able to attempt ENGR 795 PhD Written Qualifying Exam (WQE) after successfully completing a minimum of 27 credits of formal coursework.


Program Requirements

Students seeking the degree of PhD in Engineering must successfully complete a minimum 72 credit hours as specified in the program requirements detailed below, with a minimum CGPA of 3.0. Course selection should be made in consultation with the student’s Main Advisor and must be aligned to the chosen area(s) of research. All courses have a credit rating of three credits each, except the PhD Research Seminar, Written Qualifying Exam, Research Proposal Exam, and the PhD Dissertation.

Program Core (12 credit hours)

Students must complete the core courses listed below.

Biomedical Engineering - Core Courses

Concentration Core Courses

ENGR 701Research Methods in Engineering


BMED 781Adv Multivariate Data Analysis


BMED 782Advanced Physiological Systems


BMED 720Biophysical Engineering of Cellular Systems


BMED 725Computational Systems Biology of Cancer


Program Electives and Concentrations (24 credit hours)

Students must complete a minimum of seven technical elective courses from the list below. At least two of these electives (6 credit hours) must be PhD level courses with a substantial mathematical component, as outlined in the ‘Mathematics Requirements’ section above.

Students wishing to complete a PhD in Engineering with a concentration in a given area, must select at least four (12 credit hours) of the seven technical elective courses from one of the groups listed below. All selected concentration courses must be at PhD level. The concentration will be noted on the student’s diploma and official transcript provided that the student fulfills the following requirements:

  • Complete a minimum of four PhD level courses (12 credit hours) from the same concentration; and
  • Complete a PhD research dissertation within the domain of the concentration.

The PhD elective courses are listed below under the various engineering concentration fields supported by the program. Students must take into account the above points when choosing their electives.

Biomedical Engineering

Concentration Field Courses

BMED 711Biomolecular and Cellular Engineering


BMED 712Rehabilitation and Augmentation of Human Movement


BMED 713Advanced Physiological Systems


BMED 716Medical Device Innovation


BMED 725Computational Systems Biology of Cancer


BMED 794Selected Topics in Biomedical Engineering


Nuclear Engineering

Concentration Field Courses

NUCE 701Advanced Computational Methods of Particle Transport


NUCE 702Nuclear Systems and Materials/Accident analysis


NUCE 703Aging Management of Nuclear Materials


NUCE 704The Reactor Core Design Analysis for light water reactors


NUCE 705Nuclear Criticality Safety Assessment


NUCE 794Selected Topics in Nuclear Engineering


NUCE 744Interfacial Transport and Phase Change Heat Transfer


NUCE 785Materials Selection in Mechanical Design


NUCE 786Materials Characterization Techniques


PhD Research Dissertation (minimum 36 credit hours)

Students must complete a PhD Research Dissertation that involves novel, creative, research-oriented work under the direct supervision of at least one full-time faculty advisor from the College, and at least one other full-time faculty who acts as a co-advisor. The Main Advisor of a student who opts for a PhD with a concentration must be a faculty member in the Department offering that particular concentration. The outcome of research should demonstrate the synthesis of information into knowledge in a form that may be used by others. The research findings must be documented in a formal Dissertation and defended successfully in a viva voce examination. Furthermore, the research must lead to publishable quality scholarly journal articles.


ENGR 799PhD Research Dissertation