Variation to Academic Program
In exceptional circumstances, a student may petition the Department Chair of the major/minor program for approval of changes to the prescribed plan of study. Small changes may be approved by the Department Chair. Significant changes require approval of the Department Chair and the College Curriculum Committee. Students seeking an exception to their official plan of study must submit a signed Variation of Academic Program form and/or the Prerequisite waiver Form (if required) to the Registrar's Office. When it becomes necessary to request a deviation from the prescribed plan of study, students shall consult their academic advisor prior to submitting the form.
In preparing the form, students must be mindful of the following:
- The course to be substituted must be in the same area as the required course, or in a closely related area.
- Substitution of a course for a previously failed required course is seldom granted.
- A required course that is not scheduled during a given semester is not acceptable for a course substitution. Any approved course substitutions and associated pre-requisite requirements affected by the approved Variation to Academic Program must be satisfied.